Friday, January 7, 2011

Street Photography Now Project

This year, I am trying to expand my horizons with my photography. To take a look at some subject matter outside of my two beautiful girls. To take pictures of things I normally would not. I stumbled upon this project just before the end of the year, and decided to just jump in. The Street Photography Now Project revolves around, well, street photography... something I don't know a whole lot about, but would like to learn. From what I've gathered from reading so far, it lends itself very well to someone who lives in a large city. Small town Kansas... it's going to be a stretch! But, I figured I have nothing to lose.

Each week, they provide a prompt, and you may submit one taken that week. I hope to learn more and more about what qualifies a photo into the genre as time goes on. For now, I look to the prompts for photographic inspiration and go with it. If it gets accepted into the group, great. If it's disqualified (as my first attempt was), that's OK, too. So, when you see "Instruction #..." in a blog title post, you'll know what's up.

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